We’re so thrilled! Lovely Valri got her first title as Show Champion with the United Kennel Club. Here’s the wonderful email her mommy had sent to us along with her certificate. Mimi’s next…
“Hi. The first of the girls’ official UKC Championship certificates arrived
in the mail today. It is attached. Mimi’s won’t be far behind. She
finished her Championship with 300 points (!) at the shows in Manassas, VA.
As I think I told you, Valri’ already has 4 of the 5 requisite Champion wins
towards her Grand Championship. She’s actually won Champion of Champions 6 shows in a row, but 2 of them were 1 Champion short for points. We’re doing a cluster of UKC shows in April and/or May. That should seal the deal for Valri’s Grand C’ship and Mimi is bound to leap forward as a Champion, too.
“We have 2 AKC shows this week-Thursday 3/19 and Friday 3/20 in Edison, NJ at the Raritan Center. Historically, the entries haven’t been very high at
these shows but this year they are both majors. There are 15 open bitches
and 2 Special bitches entered each day. In NJ, it only takes 11 bitches for
a 3 point major. Both of these girls are in heat. It is the 3rd time for
each of them-they are overachievers. At least it will be out of the way in
time for PCA.
“Hope things are good at Admiration Ranch!
Love, Lucy”