Hi Jacki and Don,
I wanted to let you know that I got Natalie's child home safely. He, now "Yoshi" (which means "So be it" or "That's settled" in Japanese), was very well behaved the entire journey. He did not cry or complain, but fell asleep on the plane and sat or slept in my lap on the carride home. He did get a bit motion sick and lost his puppy chow toward the end of the trip, but he remained calm and collected throughout. Yoshi took to the kids immediately, as they did to him. William, my youngest boy, suggested that this little puppy be called Yoshi after the boys had rejected a variety of name choices that I had come up with and after I rejected a variety of names they came up with. Since all 4 of us, including my husband, liked Yoshi -- it was settled. He went to sleep in the boys bedroom in a laundry basket with a pillow, but this morning he was stretched out full length next to Max. He drank and ate well this morning, did his business outside, and had a game of tag before the kids went off to school. He slept a lot during the day. All and all, Yoshi seems a good addition to the family. Nelson, our dog, has been gentle with the puppy, although he walks away after a few minutes as if he has had enough. Ginger (our fixed Tom cat) hisses, and then stalks off. Chi-chi (a 15 year old Himalayan) keeps her distance. Anyway, thank you for shuttling me to and from the airport and letting me take home one of Natalie's fine brood. LR |
phone: 714-234-6367 · e-mail: poodletown@gmail.com
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