When picking a Poodle Puppy remember that the puppy who hangs in the back of the pack or seems timid when approached will be the puppy that grows to be a very sweet, mild and loving adult. These puppies will be easier puppies to get through the 6 month to 1 1/2 year stage of life as they will not be as rambunctious and as full of mischief as their more outgoing, at a young age, litter mates.
Often times people mistake these puppies as being "shy" but with the right guidance these are the puppies that make the best companions for those who are not inclined to many rigorous outdoor activities. Which is not to say that puppies with this sweet nature should not be taken out to socialize.
These are the "let's go to the Mall" puppies where as the more inquisitive puppies are more likely to say, "let's go to the river, jump in the water, run up the hill, then counter surf with muddy paws"!