This just in from Ringo’s family in the Frisco area. We love Ringo and are so happy that he has such a wonderful home!

“Hey Jacki –
“I needed to get a quick email out to you to tell you that Ringo is doing wonderfully! I feel like he loved us so much and we loved him so much right from the moment we met him. He’s done so well sleeping all night in his crate in Phoebe’s room (she gets up and takes him out at 6:30-7:00 when they both get up). Outside of a couple little whines the second night (for 30 seconds), he’s never made a peep at night. With some trainer help, he adjusted to all the crazy sounds of daytime walking in the city within a couple days. He is a joy out on 24th Street (cute shopping street by us) and loves all dogs and people. He sits at every corner before we cross streets. He’s getting used to all the people who come and go from our home and the electricians and handyman and gardeners all give him treats and sweet talk. He’s learned where to go potty and heals when I walk him around the yard — and we play after he goes potty in the designated are. He DOES know how to fetch — and drop the ball and then sit. Of course, he gets excited some times and we are teaching “settle.” We know not to play fetch very hard and only for 5 minutes or so (the vet reminded us of this), so that he does not over-do his bones. But he’s a genius! He is amazing with all dogs and all children. And he’s getting over some caution about who’s coming thru the front door and starting to get the stairs of a Victorian home (but we’re going slowly as I’m very caution of stairs).
“Jacki – he looks at me like he’s a human. I can’t explain it — but he’s changed my life! so many hugs and thanks!…sara
“PS – he loves loves getting brushed and snuggling and enjoys going daily to a play/training group. The kids and Andy are equally in love!
“PPS – our trainer says he was so amazingly well-bred and learns so quickly — he’s resilient, happy, athletic, loving and huggy and so so smart! He’ll stop and seem like he’s posing like a show dog! You picked the best puppy in the world for us! Thank you so much!”